SuperBlue: How Klaviyo helped grow reviews, revenue, and efficiency

"We transformed visitors into loyal customers" -- How SuperBlue boosted revenue and engagement

Standing out from the crowd is essential for any business, let alone vitamins and supplements. While customers search for the right fit for their needs, SuperBlue realized they had to do something different than the rest -- offering consultations to ease customers into the product and then buy if it works for them. Using Easy Appointment Booking with Klaviyo proved to be a game-changer to support this experiment, which is now a legitimate sales channel for SuperBlue. This integration let them to send branded emails, segment customers for follow-ups, and grow their lifetime value for customers (LTV) by 8%. Their customer reviews also grew by 6%. Let’s dive into their story and explore how you can achieve similar results.

The Challenge: Connecting with Customers

SuperBlue faced a common challenge: customers with low order value, lack of repeat purchases, and abandoned carts for several different reasons. They didn't have a strong, effective understanding of the purchase journey with their customers. They also recognized that health supplements need real health experts to help with inquiries and general trust of the product. This lead to SuperBlue offering content from their network of health experts, starting with consultation sessions. However, they first started with Calendly and found it difficult to manage customer data, send targeted communications, and track customer purchase journeys. They needed a way to transform consultation visitors in to loyal customers.

The Solution: Easy Appointment Booking and Klaviyo Integration

Enter Easy Appointment Booking for Shopify and the latest integration with Klaviyo. This integration offered SuperBlue a powerful toolset to have an integrated booking system on Shopify with a toolset that streamlines the customer communication and brand.

1. Sending Branded Emails with Ease

Before the integration, sending branded emails was a cumbersome process for SuperBlue. They struggled to maintain a consistent brand voice and visual identity across their email campaigns, with some coming from Shopify, Calendly, and other apps. With the Klaviyo integration, this changed qucikly into a clear, consistent brand campaign

  • Branded Templates: SuperBlue could now create and save branded email templates within Klaviyo, ensuring every email they sent was on-brand and visually appealing. All booking events sent to Klaviyo so they can send on the trigger that mattered to the appointment journey (reminders, as an example).
  • Agency-Proven Templates: The availability of agency-proven email templates from Easy Appointment Booking allowed SuperBlue to leverage professional content and copy from Easy Appointment Booking without the high costs of hiring an external agency.
  • Automation: The integration allowed them to set up automated email sequences triggered by specific actions, such as booking a consultation or making a purchase. This automation ensured timely and relevant communication with their customers.

2. Segmenting Customers for Targeted Follow-Ups

Segmentation was another area where SuperBlue saw significant improvement. They could now easily segment their customers based on various criteria, such as consultation attendance, purchase history, and engagement level.

  • Dynamic Segmentation: The integration allowed for segmentation in Klaviyo, meaning customer segments were automatically updated based on whether they attended a consultation or not. This capability enabled SuperBlue to send personalized follow-ups and offers tailored to each customer’s interests and behaviour. For example, the follow up email was sent to a customer who attended a consultation, right away, to ask for a review.
  • Enhanced Targeting: With precise targeting, SuperBlue could send highly relevant content and promotions to different customer segments, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion. This way, if someone attended a consultation 3 days ago, this email can prompt a check in and offer a coupon code on their next order.
  • SMS Reminders: Beyond emails, Klaviyo also enabled SuperBlue to send SMS reminders to their own team, alerting them if cancellations occurred. This feature helped streamline their team operations, ensuring they could quickly adjust to changes in their schedule. No more scrambling, the automation took care of that.

3. Growing Revenue and Reviews

The most significant impact of the integration was seen in SuperBlue’s revenue and customer reviews. By offering free consultations as lead generation for their supplement products, they reported an 8% improvement in average order value (AOV) among customers who attended consultations versus those who did not.

  • Improved AOV: Customers who attended the consultations were more likely to purchase higher-value products and add-on items, resulting in an 8% improvement in AOV.
  • Leads to Loyal Customers: SuperBlue used Easy Appointment Booking to offer free consultations, positioning them as a value-added service. These consultations allowed potential customers to receive personalized advice and recommendations, fostering trust and encouraging purchases. Not only did AOV increase, but repeat purchases among this cohort was 3% better than the ones who did not attend the consulation.
  • Positive Reviews: Satisfied customers left glowing reviews about their consultation experiences, further boosting SuperBlue’s credibility and attracting more customers.

SuperBlue unlocks a new, scalable revenue channel

Since implementing the Easy Appointment Booking and Klaviyo integration, SuperBlue has seen remarkable results:

  • Increased Engagement: The ability to send branded, targeted emails has led to higher open and click-through rates, driving more traffic to their store.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Personalized follow-ups and relevant offers have significantly improved conversion rates, turning more leads into paying customers.
  • Boosted Revenue: The 8% improvement in AOV among consultation attendees has contributed to a substantial increase in overall revenue.
  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Positive reviews and high customer satisfaction scores have strengthened SuperBlue’s reputation and attracted new customers.

Customer Testimonial

Here’s what SuperBlue had to say about their experience:

“Integrating Easy Appointment Booking with Klaviyo has transformed our business. We can now send beautifully branded emails effortlessly and target our customers with precision. Offering free consultations has been a game-changer, not only in boosting our average order value but also in building lasting relationships with our customers. The app fits perfectly with our theme, operates at lightning speed, and is priced extremely well compared to other Klaviyo-supported apps out there. Our revenue and reviews have considerably improved, and we couldn’t be happier with the results. Also, their support team led by Ray is top-notch and is at the level of support and sophistication we get from Shopify.”


SuperBlue's success story demonstrates the transformative power of Easy Appointment Booking and Klaviyo integration. By streamlining email marketing, enhancing customer segmentation, and offering value-added services like free consultations, SuperBlue has significantly improved their customer engagement, conversion rates, and revenue. With additional benefits like SMS reminders and superb customer support, the integration has been a comprehensive solution for their needs.

Book a Demonstration Today

Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your business for reviews and revenue, with the right automation and support team. Book a demonstration today and start experiencing the benefits of Easy Appointment Booking for yourself.

Easy Appointment Booking is dedicated to helping businesses like yours connect with customers, streamline operations, and achieve exceptional results. With our robust features and seamless integrations, you can focus on what you do best – growing your business. We'd love to have you join us :)